Sunday, June 12, 2016

4 year old princess!

Danielle with Cahoon Interiors had an idea for doing the most perfect pink princess room.  Here is how it turned out. My contribution is the night stand, mirror and dresser for this room. 
The dresser is more silver with gold highlights and the mirror is golden with silver highlights. 
They looked much different when they came to me.  The mirror was a brassy gold with a few broken spots.
I repaired the edges and made them look like the original flower and leaf design. 
Once primed and painted, it's nearly impossible to see the parts that were fixed. 
The dresser was a honey oak color and needed updating. 
It took sanding, priming, a base coat & several coats of metallic paint to achieve the look. After all of that, it still needed to be dark waxed and glazed. It was a long project with many steps! 
Even the handles were lightened and then silver added after. They are such a pretty shape, I'm glad we stayed with the original hardware. 
I love the chandelier and the soft pink ceiling Danielle picked out to go with it. 
From the delicate pink curtains to the soft textured rug, I think it's perfect for a princess!  Thanks for reading my blog, please like comment and share to keep seeing it in your FB feed.


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