I decided to make my own wreath this year. I love the tutorials on coffee filter wreaths so I thought I would try it out. I have pool noodles I purchased at the dollar store but one in itself was not the size I wanted for above the fireplace. One and a half seemed large enough so after cutting one, you duct tape the ends together for the right size.
Just in case any of the filters don't cover well enough I sprayed the whole wreath in paint just to cover the red noodle look.

I really like this brushed metallic color of nickel, I must find a way to incorporate it into more decorations.
I ended up hanging the wreath on my kid's swing set and this way I could have more access to angles. I sprayed it until I couldn't see anymore red.

Then I started putting layer after layer of the coffee filters. The white ones just have the outside edge painted, giving them a little sparkle and color. The dark ones are the sections of coffee filters that were on top so they got an all-over colored look. I wanted the contrast. It all started with this dang little cute owl. 

When I saw him I knew my burlap and white was now changing to his little brushed nickel and white. He needs to be the star of this year's show. I sprayed my paper mâché tree cones I got at Hobby Lobby and now I am trying to figure out how I am going to adorn them.
I am absolutely loving that Krylon spray so I will be going back for more.
I decided to punch circles and shapes in white construction paper and add translucent glitter. As you can see I am only partially done with the process. It looks like I could have gotten away with only spraying the base, next time I would do that. Better safe then sorry though for doing it the first time.
You can see my big wreath is coming along. Due to a very bad back and small children, I can only work on projects for a short burst and then I have to come back to them. I am determined to get this done so I don't mind if I leave it on the wall unfinished until I get it all done. We hosted Thanksgiving last year so I am not stressed that I need the house perfect before then, I get to sit back and relax this year. I do not recommend hosting the holidays AND DIY decorating unless you start super early *like July* because if you are a busy wife/mom like me then time flies quickly.
I found these little candle holders at Hobby Libby in their 50% off Christmas collection. They fit the color theme well so I decided to splurge. I try to be as frugal as possible so a splurge is around $20 for all.
This is the overall look I am going for above the mantle with hopefully some more candles in between. The green fireplace screen is going to get sprayed the nickle color when I am done as well, the light green was fun for summer but it clashes now with these new colors. I want to get the big pack of Costco battery operated candles to go underneath the wreath. Lots of fire right under a coffee filter wreath sounds like a fire hazard! That will be another splurge for another week.
I have also been busy building another custom headboard bench and I am still finishing my barrel drawers
You might ask, why do you have so many projects going all at once? The answer is: each project is a different amount of time and stress on my back. When I can't put anymore energy into one I can switch and move to another that requires a different muscle set. This way I can keep my ADHD mind and achy body both engaged. I usually have around 5 things I am working on at once and although that seems like crazy, messy, chaos to most.... To me it makes me feel alive and happy! We also had our very first winner this week, Miss Julie Doddridge and she won a mini hot cocoa bar.
I am a little bit obsessed with hot chocolate and peppermint so I went with that theme. Included is my 2 favorite kinds of hot cocoa Starbucks and Stephen's. I have a canning jar of round peppermints and one of marshmallow's, also a jar of candy canes. Just for fun I added red and white paper straws and packed it with tissue paper in a half-sized crate from Michael's crafts. It has been a fun week. I am having another procedure on my back on Friday so today I am going to work double time in case I am laid up for awhile. My back is a constant struggle from an auto accident I was in at 18 (wear your seatbelts kids, I didn't). That is it for what I am up to today, happy week and happy crafting!